October 27, 2012

Pattern Recognition

Pattern RecognitionPattern Recognition by William Gibson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this story, and loved the way it was told. William Gibson is a brilliant writer and becoming one of my favorite authors. I had a hard time putting this one down. Excellent story, recommend highly. Great writing!

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October 21, 2012


TiganaTigana by Guy Gavriel Kay
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Tigana is a really good book. it is a great imaginative story with interesting characters and themes, and unexpected plot twists and turns. The ending was delightful (not all happy, but a delight), as well as the last ~100 pages building toward it. I was left somewhat disappointed overall, however, with the quality of the writing. To me, this felt like an excellent story that the author was not quite ready to write. Given that this was one of his earlier works, and that I've also read a truly excellent and epic example of his later works ("Under Heaven" - 5+ stars, fantastic) my assumption is that his style and expertise in story telling was still growing and evolving at the time Tigana was penned. That aside, it's a great story and well worth the time to read.

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