September 21, 2017

a treat!

Fifth Business (The Deptford Trilogy, #1)Fifth Business by Robertson Davies
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I can't believe i have not heard of this excellent author before. Earlier in the summer, a close friend selected this novel for me while we were visiting the famous John K. King bookstore in Detroit. (go there, it's awesome! ). This is a wonderfully told story of growing up and growing old with a little bit of magic and religion thrown in. Beautiful prose and compelling characters, plot, and story telling all make this a really great story. And come to find out, it is the first novel in a trilogy! Looking forward to running across the other two, and reading more about these people from Deptford! This is a book well worth the time to read, it is a treat!

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September 7, 2017

This Fight Is Our Fight!

This Fight Is Our FightThis Fight Is Our Fight by Elizabeth Warren
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Elizabeth Warren is one of the most inspiring national figures I've ever read about. She is intelligent, well educated, personable, strong, with the heart and courage to lead the fight to take America back for all Americans, from the rich, powerful and privileged who control it now. "This Fight is Our Fight" lays out in plain language, with 45 pages of citations, how the middle class in this nation were sold out by the followers of voodoo trickle down economics and the corruption of big money and business in our democratic processes and systems. Trump and its administration of special interest cronies are the bulging puss-filled sore on top of this deadly infection that is destroying our system of government, our way of life, and our people with it. Despite the dark (albeit accurate) picture that Senator Warren paints of the state of things, she gives the information and inspiration to challenge us to fight back and turn this ship around. I hope that she and other progressives (like Bernie) can lead our people to take our county back for the sake of ALL Americans. We each have a vote, and if we use it and use it well, we have the power to stop the cancer that is destroying our nation and way of life.

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