My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Greetings from Bury Park is a moving and heartwarming memoir of friends, family, race, politics, religion, and music - especially the music of Bruce. When it comes to Springsteen fandom, it is amazing how many parallel life experiences have come under the healing and inspiring influence of Bruce's music. This story, although set in another continent and culture, and about people of another skin color and religious tradition, bears such a close parallel to my story and the story of so many others who, in their journey growing up and through life, have found inspiration and personal peace through the music of Springsteen. Even with all the obvious differences in place and culture, i felt the author was describing much of my own life's story. This is a great story to read, regardless of the reader's relationship with Bruce's music. It is a wonderful story of Growin' Up and the journey to The Promised Land. :)
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