My rating: 4 of 5 stars
in Dragonfly in Amber we continue with Claire and Jamie's life where it left off at the end of Outlander. The first half of the book takes us through the political scheming behind Prince Charlie's aspirations of regain the throne. We are introduced to many new and "interesting" players as well as reuniting with a few characters from the first book. Just when the political maneuvering starts to get tedious, the pace is yanked into double time as the plans take shape in tangible form back in Scotland. Once back in their homeland, the action and plot twisting and turning does not stop until a final confrontation between the Scottish rebels and the British army. The outcome is left somewhat cloudy. But then, Claire returns to the 20th century to rejoin the timeline that started the book, Claire bringing her daughter to Scotland to meet her father. The bookending of the book with the 20th century narratives is nice, and when the book closes, we can safely assume that there is more ahead (200 years in the past) for Claire and Jamie.
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