My rating: 3 of 5 stars
"AC/DC: The Savage Tale of the First Standards War" is an interesting glimpse into the battles waged to establish standards, in this case, the standard for electrical power generation and distribution. As an electrical engineer, the subject caught my attention immediately. Unsurprisingly, the battles were not primarily fought with scientific facts or engineering expertise, but rather with misinformation, fearmongering, and overblown egos and greed. As the cover image suggests, the face off between Edison and Westinghouse was fierce and brutal, and in the end, the loser never really conceded defeat. The book refreshed some forgotten history related to Edison and Westinghouse, but more interestingly, provided many insights into their personalities and motivations as manifest in this particular conflict. This is a nice concise history which is fun in a geekish sort of way. Good book.
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