The Princess Bride by
William Goldman
My rating:
4 of 5 stars
This is one fun book to read. I enjoyed
Mr. Goldman's writing style, irreverent witty, fun. I loved getting the inside story of a great film "
The Princess Bride". But I also loved the back stories of the characters, from every level of the story. I don't think I've ever read a story written with so many layers of narrative. The central plot of the book is obviously a tale of fiction, of make believe that we are all familiar with from the film. But the enclosing layers of the storyline which the central story is wrapped within bounce about between fact, fiction, and the gray region somewhere in between to such a degree that the reader (at least this reader) is never quite sure where the facts leave off and the fiction begins! What a fun way to write, and to read, a story. Bravo. :)
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